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Writer's pictureJacqueline M. Pressey

Entry #1: Welcome to The Diary of a Hospital Chaplain's Blog!

Updated: May 20, 2022

Standing on the worn blue carpet, looking down the long corridor, the double sliding glass doors awaiting my arrival for an on-call overnight (twice a month)– “EMERGENCY” on the sign above me ::Deep breath in:: One foot in front of the other. I have no idea of what I will face once I unpack and take the pager for the night. Whereas, attending my weekly classes it felt a bit like this: “Yea, do I walk through the valley of the shadow of death: The Clinical Pastoral Care Education Program, I will not fear patient visits, presentations, recommendations, nor corrections. For thou are with me when I'm developing my InterFaith services and reminding myself not to say “Jesus” too much (I was written up for this to help me become more of an interfaith pastor😋, but more on that later.) Thy rod and staff they comfort me during my supervisors, residents, and chaplain peer reviews, "the sure nuff hot seats" (Ref: Psalm 23:4). This…is going to be an eye opening journey.

Scripture Reference: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow

of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they

comfort me, (Psalm 23: 4 KJV).

Reflection/Lesson Learned:

This chaplaincy calling/gifting isn't something that I was looking for, it was something that God was requiring of me at one of my lowest points in my adult life. "Lord, you want me to do what??? How am I going to be an instrument of your healing, when I so desperately need Your healing for myself?" I have walked through many moments during these past eight years of hospital chaplaincy that have challenged me, taught me, and killed the flesh of the person I thought I was. It has helped me encounter a deeper depth of spiritual awakening and maturing in spiritual pastoral care leadership that I wouldn't have obtained any other way. Chaplain's provide pastoral spiritual care to all that need it, that includes: patients, families, friends and any hospital staff that need it too.

Come join me on this revealing, open and honest journey of discovery and inspirational examinations. You will find real life experiences, diary entries, patient case events, things relating to my training, emotionally-charged encounters with patients’ families, staff, peers, and my perception of lessons learned. Even some lessons that I wish I didn't have to have experienced or learned, yet did. Please follow me and share your feedback, comments, and questions. Also, if any of you are Hospital Chaplains and/or Pastoral/Spiritual Care providers your experiences are very much welcomed and encouraged to be shared here. See you on the journey of my upcoming book, "The Diary of a Hospital Chaplain!" (release date: 2023)

Here's a sneak peek on the next diary entry: Becoming a "RareFit" in ministry actually means becoming "a change agent, birthing purpose through pain!"

For the sake of the Chaplain's healing call!

Chaplain Jacqueline M. Pressey, Ed.D.

“Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with becoming EXTRAORDINARY, through pursuing excellence!”

(Copyright: 10/2/20)

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ReCreations Ministries was established in 1986 our vision and mission for outreach and service are to inspire and empower others to become extraordinary through pursuing excellence. 

ReCreations Ministries, Inc.

Attn: Dr. Jacqueline M. Pressey

  8205 Marshall Corner Rd

P.O. Box 212
Pomfret, MD 20675

Tel. 443-538-5712

 Website Site Updated: January 2024.

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