Ministries, Inc.
Wellness Tips
How to get more fiber in our diet?
Look for bread, cereal, and crackers that are 100 percent
whole grain—meaning NO refined flour. If the label does not
say “100%” check the ingredient list for refined culprits like white
flour (usually listed as bleached or unbleached enriched wheat
flour), semolina or durum flour, and rice flour.
Include other 100 percent whole grains in your diet, including
brown rice, bulgur, wheat, oatmeal, barley (including pearled
barley), buckwheat, cracked wheat, quinoa, and amaranth.
Eat more beans. They offer loads of soluble fiber and lots of plant
protein. Include them in soups, stews, and salads, and replace
bean-based dishes like lentil soup, bean burritos, or rice and beans
for those made with meat.
Fill up on vegetables (2 to 4 servings) and fruits (3 to 5 servings) per day. If possible, eat the skins (they contain tons of insoluble fiber), and always eat fiber-filled whole fruits instead of drinking fiber-less fruit juices. Caution, fruits contain sugar, so balance fruits with fiber.